Happiness Can Come from Any Domain of Your Life. You Will Feel Deeply Whatever You Choose to Focus On.
The Three Rules of Marriage is part of the Whole Life Series™. While the love you experience in your primary relationship is incredibly important, lasting fulfillment is derived when each area of your life is working for you.
This entire series began with the domain of Love. The first book to be published is the Three Rules of Marriage and it sets the foundation for the rest of the books in this series. This is about taking your primary relationship to the next level by following three simple rules that were handed down to Bill & Elena Carmody by Richard and Connie Knies (Elena’s parents). They have used these rules to build a 64-year blissful marriage and we have use the same rules to build a blissful 20-year marriage. These rules have and will continue to ensure we have the kind of love in our relationship that stands the test of time.
The domain of wealth is about having total financial freedom. Having freedom in your finances begins with your own mindset about money and your money blueprint. These are your beliefs about money that dictate your actions and determine your outcomes (regardless of what you say you want). In order to master financial freedom, we get to shift our focus from scarcity to abundance and understand our innate ability to create wealth for ourselves.
When it comes to your career, are you aligned with your purpose? Many people spend their life reacting to circumstances rather than designing a purpose-driven life. To experience fulfillment in your career is to understand your purpose and then create alignment. There is a reason you are here and your contributions, when aligned to your purpose, will ensure you are mission-driven and leave a legacy. What you do matters. Having a career that lights you up will ensure you experience joy in this domain of your life.
As Tony Robbins likes to say, “The secret to living is giving.” In this domain, we explore the power of contribution and why giving does indeed reveal the secret to living. Those who choose to live a life of abundance give by default. Giving becomes a natural part of life for those who understand their own power. A person can only give what they already have. Exercising this muscle of giving reinforces your ability to manifest anything from “no thing.” Mastery of this domain includes giving without expectation and receiving without resistance.
The domain of family shows you where you came from (your roots) and guides you to where you choose to end up (your blossom). Who we choose to be, what we choose to do, and ultimately what we have comes from understanding our place in this world. Our history comes from our family. Should we choose to have a family of our own, we step into new roles as father or mother, grandfather or grandmother and ultimately how we are remembered by those lives we impact along the way.
Spirit is different than religion. In this domain, we explore the interconnected web of all existence. Some call this God, others believe that there is supreme being. And yet, regardless of individual beliefs, there are undeniable invisible forces that connect us all to a greater whole. As science explores the quantum level and the vastness of our universe, our spirit plays a key role in how we, as humans, shape our collective understanding of what is. The domain of spirit shows us the true magnificence of all that life has to offer regardless of religious beliefs.
For many, the most important domain of life is to be Happy. What is fascinating is that our brains were not designed to make us happy. Our brains were designed to make us safe. This is why negative thoughts and emotions are amplified in our brains and yet positive thoughts and emotions require more mental fitness in order to have them land and remain with us. The domain of happiness is about building the mental muscles necessary to quiet the negative thoughts, amplify the positive and build the mental fortitude to remain present when people and situations seem to push our buttons. Master the domain of happiness and your life will feel rich and fulfilled despite whatever circumstances come your way
The domain of Health is about mastering your body and extending your life. As we explore both mental and physical health, you can see how daily habits either support maximization of your life or diminish it. As we trade our youth for wisdom, there are many things we can do to have the healthy body that will support the kind of life we want. The food choices we make have an outsized impact on our health as we age and there is a lot of confusing and some would argue conflicting information out there. By integrating our mind, body and spirit together we have the best opportunity to master the domain of health and extend our life.